Address: 276, Tran Nao, Binh An, Dist 2, HCM City
Phone: 0822 600 555 – Hotline: 093 399 9788
Email: nhakhoatruongthanh@gmmail.com
Society grows, life is improved, travel between countries is quite easy, the need to communicate, to get a beautiful smile, enjoying the delicious meal is legitimate … Pride is 1 dentist Scientific always taken a leading Heart, doctors at Dental Clinic Truong Thanh To always explain clearly and carefully consulting the symptoms, rehabilitation measures for each case, advantages – disadvantages of each solution for guests buffet restaurant choices most appropriate solution for you.
Our mission is:
– Construction of a modern dental center, gathered the skilled doctors in the professional field of teeth, jaw, face.
– Building Dental systems engineering advanced, with materials and modern equipment from around the world.
– Develop customer care team is dedicated to patients.
The entire staff as well as doctors and nurses always gives customers gentle feeling comfortable before, during and after the treatment. Do not forget to mention who has founded the Dental Clinic Truong Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Truong doctors – over … years of experience, Dr. Truong always striving and always learn from experience with domestic business trips met the Prof. outside world industry leaders, to exchange skills and experience brought new methods of water, help Dental Clinic Truong Thanh evolving and always a reputation for Medical Dental and Germany in the heart of all our customers.