Removable Prosthodontics What is false?

This is a type prosthesis removable dentures include: one or more false teeth in position replace missing teeth (dentures is made of plastic or ceramic) associated with a baseline (using regular plastic base or plastic base Biosoft software) or jaw frame (metal frame or jaw jaw titanium frame)
Some types of removable (PHTL) used:

a. selling content
Ham removable partial dentures includes a replace a missing teeth, or dentures to replace missing natural tooth number
These dentures were replaced fills lost teeth chew food better and helps prevent movement of the adjacent teeth.
Growing dentures may be plastic teeth America, Composite tooth, or teeth porcelain teeth, depending on how you choose
These dentures are fitted with a plastic base with hook (may be generally hook, hook or hooks molded plastic) as the picture below
The time to complete a removable partial function also depends on the number of teeth, usually the patient will arrive 02 or 03 times dental office under the following stages:
– Taking preliminary point, considering the tooth color by color of natural teeth
– Try based wax teeth (if any)
– Plastic Injection, delivered complete removable jaw
Time for each treatment for 15 minutes

b. Full function
s lost a jaw tooth, or teeth lost teeth and under, including many false teeth attached to a plastic base
Normally a full jaw with 14 teeth
Type plastic tooth tooth may be American, Composite teeth, or dental porcelain
Based resin may be normal or hard plastic soft plastic background Biosoft, as do whole jaw jaw assembly Biosoft, the cost of plastic resin costs calculated separately from soft teeth.
The time to complete a full-function removable jaw often about 04 times the patient to the dental office by appointment of dentists
– Get the sign making preliminary personal tray and pillow wax (about 15 minutes)
– Take the last point on individual trays and bite wax impression (about 30 minutes)
– Try tooth: tooth color, tooth shape, (about 15 minutes)
– Injection and delivered complete removable jaw (15 minutes)
These circumstances make a full upper or lower jaw, the dentist will take on the color of the tooth color natural teeth left, or maybe bright but relatively

These cases do both full-function (lost teeth), the patient can choose the desired tooth color and fit.
In case you lose your teeth and do not want to wear a conventional assembly
Implant 2-4 cylindrical implant for a jaw and removable restorations on implant pillar there.
Jaw assembly is mounted on the pillar firmer implants will function normally removable. Help you chew food more comfortable, without feeling loose. This method is also cost savings for you